Village Dermatology Store

Village Dermatology Benzoyl Peroxide Wash 10%

Eliminate bacteria that causes acne without dryness and irritation with this gentle BPO Benzoyl Peroxide.

Skin for Life BPO 10% cleanser use a micronized BPO that allows the active ingredient to penetrate the pore to ensure gentle, yet effective cleansing. Our formula uses non-comedogenic emolliants to help keep the skin hydrated along with the gentlest cleanser on the market today


Village Dermatology Benzoyl Peroxide Wash 10%

Skin for Life BPO 10% cleanser use a micronized BPO that allows the active ingredient to penetrate the pore to ensure gentle, yet effective cleansing. Our formula uses non-comedogenic emolliants to help keep the skin hydrated along with the gentlest cleanser on the market today

Key Ingredients:

Benzoyl Peroxide 10%


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