Village Dermatology Store

Broadband Light (BBL)

BroadBand Light (BBL)® is the world’s most powerful IPL device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage.

The device is unparalleled by its counterparts in advanced technology, quality, safety, and consistency. Our highly-skilled, trained, and experienced laser technicians will tune the BBL to the correct setting and use the band of light energy to target different skin conditions. The heat generated from the light pulses will stimulate your skin cells to generate new collagen to replace the old skin cells in the treated area.

BBL also targets pigmented spots, vascular lesions, acne, age spots, and other skin conditions, making BBL a “best all-around” in our armamentarium of anti-aging procedures.


Please see our option for Aesthetician Consultation by clicking HERE.

Treatment Options

Full Face, Neck, Face & Neck, Chest, Neck & Chest, Hands, Forearms & Hands, Full Arms & Hands, Lower Legs


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